Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Phantom Baserunner Syndrome

Sox: 6 Twins: 5

I don't know what it is with me and armchair diagnosis (see A Visit from Dr. Hitmore a few entries back) but last night I came up with a new one for Twins first baseman Justin Morneau: Phantom Baserunner Syndrome. In the Sox' comeback 8th inning, Morneau went to tag Mossy at first, only to find that Mossy wasn't there. He was already closing in on second for his first stolen base in his career with the big club. Mossy, of course, stroked the game winning RBI after Manny took Twins reliever Guerrer deep for the tie. Mossy, Manny, and JD split the game's RBIs with two apiece. Another magical 8th inning for Sox bats!

Lester pitched a strong 7 1/3 innings, having trouble in the fourth on what should have been a double-play that got him out of the inning. I missed that part of the game, so I can't comment on how the runs scored, but Lester ended up surrendering 5 runs. One of those runs was a runner Aardsma inherited and let score. Lester was let off the hook by the 8th inning pounding of the Twins 'pen. Aards got the win and Paps got the save after a botched play by Coco that could have cost the game.

This afternoon they go for the sweep, with Beckett on the mound to face Livan Hernandez. The Rays fell last night to the Yanks so now the Sox are within 3 games of first place.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eesh...I don't understand ANY OF THIS! LOL ;)