Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Dominating Duo

Lester and Buchholz, Les and Buch, Jon and Clay, 31 and 11, 2.97 and 2.73...whatever you call them, they are the true #1 and #2 starters in the Red Sox rotation (those last numbers, by the way, are their respective 2010 season ERAs.) Capable of matching up with any of the top young pitchers in the league, or any of the top pitchers in the league regardless of age, these two products of the Red Sox farm system are among the most exciting players on the team to watch. Combined, they pitched 14 innings and held the Royals to just one run, allowing the Sox to come out of a series that started badly for them with a split. They also combined for two thirds of the sweep against the Rays and a two-game sweep against the Twins.

Last night, Buchholz won a pitching duel with Greinke and the Sox won 1-0. Today, Lester kept the Royals to one run and the bats woke up, to the tune of a 8-1 shellacking of the Kansas City blue crew. I wasn't able to watch last night's game, but this afternoon, recent returnee Mike Cameron had his third almost-dinger of the season, which turned out to be a 2-RBI double. Papi went yard for the tenth time this month (and eleventh on the season). Tek also hit a big fly--his seventh of the season. Scoots went 3-for-5 with two doubles and Hall, playing 2B for a resting Pedey, went 2-for-4.

Tomorrow, the whole team gets a well-deserved rest after playing 17 straight games without an off-day. On Tuesday, a new month begins with the Oakland A's in town. Lackey's on the bump against Gio Gonzalez. Oakland's pitching is pretty good, but their offense, not so much.


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