Friday, June 20, 2008

Curt Schilling, The Gamer

It was announced this morning that Schill will undergo season-ending and possibly career-ending surgery on his shoulder this coming Monday. Although this is hardly surprising news, given that his doctor wanted him to have surgery in the off-season (but the Sox wanted him to try to rehab before going under the knife), it is sad news for a team that saw him power through two post-seasons that ended with world championships. We all know the lengths he went for the team in 2004, pitching through excruicating pain in his ankle (and a bloody sock) in both the ALCS and the World Series, earning victories in both games. Being one of the aces of the 2004 Red Sox team, he helped them end an 86-year world championship drought. He came within one out of a no-hitter in 2007 and later that year helped the Sox to a second WS win in 4 years. Big Schill was what they call a "money pitcher" and his presence in the Red Sox clubhouse will be sorely missed.


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